Friday, April 20, 2012

Avoid getting sick?

There seems to be a rash of TR%26#39;s that people are commenting about getting sick or returning from Vegas with a cold.

I thought I read something on this site, or I have it confused with another, a thread about pre-trip precautions and what to take on your trip.

I have tried searching with out luck. It included taking alcohol wipes to use on the machines to using Airborne pre-trip. I thought it was pretty good information and there are quite a few upcoming trips, that this info would be useful. I thought I saved the link but can not find it.

Does anyone remember it?

Avoid getting sick?

Sorry, I don%26#39;t remember it. However, taking moist wipes/towelettes to wipe of things like slot machine buttons, doorknobs in your room and for wiping your hands is a great idea. I%26#39;ve also taken Airborne, I know many people swear by it.

Avoid getting sick?

Sorry, can%26#39;t remember it either.

I do take airborne and nose spray before hand. I fear the ear aches from the plane worse than a cold, but....

I did watch the Ellen show about 6 months ago and they had a special segment dealing with air travel. Something that the woman put in her nose, (I think the wife remembers it) and then a website that sells air filters that go over the one that blows down on you. But the price was $20, so I said I%26#39;d take my chances. (Like that would deal with the rest of the air just floating through the cabin?) I%26#39;d be willing to bet most of the sickness comes from the darn air in the plane.....

I always carry a little bottle of the hand sanitizer with me wherever i go and that includes Vegas.

I have cleaned the buttons of the machines sometimes.

I learned 3 yrs ago when on the second day of my trip i woke up sicker than i%26#39;ve been in years and hardly was able to breathe much less enjoy vegas.

I had a travel sized bottle of hand sanitizer with me on the last trip. I also made sure to wash, wash, wash my hands all the time, especially after playing the machines and handling money.

I don%26#39;t know about the Airborne trick, but it couldn%26#39;t hurt. Thankfully neither H or I came back with a cold.

The only thing you can do is wash your hands as often as possible. I think it has been the only proven way to avoid getting sick. You touch things, get those germs on your hands and then (without realizing it)- touch you nose or mouth. I do use Airborne before leaving and then use Afrin before landing(because of two rather unpleasant incidents). Other than that- I don%26#39;t think there is much of anything else you can do- at least not when staying in a hotel or playing in a casino-unless you want to put yourself in a bubble! I think most of the ';prevention'; remedies-including Airborne, vitamin C, etc. - are psychological. You think they will help- so they do. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Thanks. You are hitting on the items. Low, I do recall now about the nasal spray being in the item I read. So maybe it wasn%26#39;t on TA.

I think it%26#39;s the combo of desert air temps meets cooler casino and hotel temps, smoke, and lots of people together. I always end up with a snius infection when I come back, no matter how careful I am.

Airborne is great.

Here%26#39;s a trick for if you%26#39;re feeling the previrusy yucks before you go: Roll a whole lemon around on a countertop (to release juices), then cut in half. Put in a tea kettle or saucepan and cover with about 3 cups water. Bring to the boil then boil for at least fifteen minutes. Pour the liquid into a cup, add honey and whatever libation you use for medicinal purposes ;-), drink it down and then go to sleep for the night. Supposedly the quinine is released from the lemon peel and works like an antiviral.

I use hard liqour as a disinfectant

Taken internally of course.

My fallback plan is Southern Comfort.

I mean, it tastes like cough medicine anyway.

Then again, compared to a lot of things on east Fremont, catching a cold is the least of your worries.

Step 1 do what Chinatown Gambler does... ;)

step 2 wash your hands.... often!!!

Shrek, this might be the thread you are referring to. It starts off almost identical to yours.



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