Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Trip Report - 9/8 - 9/15 Part One

Hey Everybody,

As promised, this is the trip report for my second trip in a month(!) to Vegas. This time, I was coming out for business although I managed to tack on a couple days since I knew I would earn comp time for working the weekend. Unlike in August when I spent 90% of my time attending a social convention, I was determined to see much more of what Vegas had to offer.


Trip Report - 9/8 - 9/15 Part One

Saturday 9/8

Thanks to my employer, I got to enjoy business class seating on AirTran, albeit with the requisite layover in Atlanta. I especially liked listening to the stations on the XM Satellite Radio. Upon arrival, I caught a cab with a couple of co-workers. Although I had not taken a cab before on my previous trips, I knew enough to request that we head up Swenson and not down towards the infamous tunnel. That “veteran” move impressed my colleagues!

I have to say that I was surprised that the Riviera casino was chosen as our staff hotel. I figured that we would have been put up in one of the more business-oriented hotels slightly closer to the Las Vegas Convention Center where we were working at a tradeshow. My second surprise occurred at the check-in desk. I had assumed, since employees had not been consulted, that our rooms would default to non-smoking. It turns out that my assumption was mistaken. While I know that smoking is synonymous with Vegas, I try to at least avoid the scent of tobacco in the place I have to sleep. The front desk agent was pleasant enough and promised to put me on the priority list to change to a non-smoking room to the next day. My room for the night was on the Floor 57 (aka the 17th floor) in the Monaco Tower. It was rather Spartan but functional. The $3 daily charge to use the floor safe was annoying. Outside there was a view of the “Sawdust” being redeveloped into Echelon Place, the rising Trump development and Circus Circus.

Although it was only 6pm Vegas time, my body clock (and my watch) were saying 9pm… and I was starving. Many of my co-workers decided they were going to head down to some Mexican restaurant at NYNY. Since I was going to be in town longer than most of them, I decided to conserve my energy and time by going downstairs to Kady’s Coffee Shop instead.

The color scheme of Kady’s reminded me of a Lego set, especially the booth seats. They had a couple flat screen TVs which was a nice diversion. I ordered a marinated chicken breast sandwich with fries and soda for around $15 and it was just okay. Afterwards, I went to my room and called it an early night. I felt kinda funny going to bed around 8pm on a Saturday night in Vegas, but I knew I had a long day ahead of me. My time would come soon enough.

Trip Report - 9/8 - 9/15 Part One

';I felt kinda funny going to bed around 8pm on a Saturday night in Vegas,';

I would not only feel funny, but would not be able to get to sleep. But since you were just there in less than a month.... I guess it%26#39;s different.

Looking forward for more.

Tough start when you have not only the Sahara, but a smiking room!

and $3 to use the safe? C%26#39;mon ..... just charge extra for the room. I hate ticky tack....

That “veteran” move impressed my colleagues!

Nice!!! Way to score business class seats too!! OK....something exciting must be coming with your last sentence there......did your time come gambling?? =)

smoking even!

Ummm....Low? Have you had a LIT tonight? I think tony is at the Riviera not Sahara....and is smiking like smoking? LOL....sorry, had to tease you!

Thanks for the kudos so far everyone!

COtravelfan, I did manage to do a bit of gambling. I didn%26#39;t exactly hit the jackpot but I like to think I have an interesting story or two.

It%26#39;s after 11pm here on the East Coast. I%26#39;ll try to add more tomorrow. %26#39;Night, everyone!


Okay okay...I corrected the hotels on part so hush!

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