Wednesday, April 18, 2012

wedding for two, relaxed and fun but not tacky - help!

We want to get married when we%26#39;re in Vegas on holiday next year. We%26#39;ve lived together quite blissfully for years but have decided to get married (partly for tax reasons, it must be said, otherwise we%26#39;d probably continue to cohabit quite blissfully...). We really want to run away and do it without telling anyone and come back from our holidays a married couple, thereby avoiding all the fuss and stress and so on...

Here%26#39;s my question: we want something fun and relaxed but not too tacky and I%26#39;m just not sure which chapel to pick. Some of the chapels I%26#39;ve looked at do seem to be awfully cheesy and that%26#39;s not really for us... it%26#39;s hard to say exactly what we want, but something simple (most of the packages suggest that one needs the services of a wedding coordinator - eek! I don%26#39;t want anything that needs that much planning!), not ridiculously romantic (no candle-lighting ceremonies), without being horribly tacky (no fake flowers and Celine Dion playing in the background).

Am I being dreadfully picky? We just want a nice, no-fuss ceremony for two where we can have some photos taken in pretty surroundings (no fake Greek columns!), drink champagne, be perfectly relaxed throughout, have a lot of fun and then go off and be Mr and Mrs IndigoSpooky for the rest of our lives. Any ideas?

wedding for two, relaxed and fun but not tacky - help!


We got married last sept at the little chapel of flowers, it was really nice, very relaxed and not at all cheesy

It was just the 2 of us and my best friend and her hubby, we got married at 11am, limo picked us up from hotel at 10am and we were back at hotel at 12 and in margaritasville drinking frozen margs by 12.15 ~ It was trully the best day of my life ~ no stress at all

Send me a private message if ou need more info

Website for chapel is

wedding for two, relaxed and fun but not tacky - help!

Dear Mr. and Mrs. IndigoSpooky:

That DOES have a nice ring to it!

We got married back in 1997 at the Little Church of the West. Very cute, looks like an ACTUAL church. Several packages to choose from, with and without flowers, photos, video, etc.

Very accomodating - since we didn%26#39;t want the standard ';Book of Common Prayer'; ceremony, we brought our own and the minister breezed through it with barely a slip of the tongue. We also brought our own music on CD. If they had had Ms. Dion or Mr. Presley, I would have puked. :-)

Oh! And no columns!

We were married at the Little White Chapel. Nothing fancy, just the 2 of us, simple ceremony outside a few photos and away we went.

Hi, I also was married last September 2007 at the Little Chapel of the flowers and it was ideal. As we were a small party, just us and two others we opted for the Magnolia Chapel, which was really pretty. We had the one up from basic package, which came with limo to and from our hotel, bouquet and buttonhole, and I believe 10 photos. We did also take up a few of the ';posed'; photos at a small additional cost, but we were very happy with the whole occasion. It was relaxedWe also have been together for a number of years (15) and now just seemed the right time. After the wedding we went back to the Bellagio, to the Petrossian Bar and finished off the afternoon with a couple of bottles of bubbly. It was perfect. Good luck and best wishes

Thank you so much, everyone, for your great ideas. It sounds like you all had the same idea as me .... simple, stress-free and plenty of time to go off and drink champagne somewhere else afterwards!

Off now to explore the websites....



Great thread!

Myself and the future Mr. EE are looking for something similar as well for our wedding next year.

We too have lived together a few years and are looking forward to the benefits of being married (taxes, car insurance discounts etc).

We are going to make a trip out to Vegas to look at Chapels in December. I will definitely write a review of our findings.

We hope to look at the following chapels

Church of the West

Chapel at Treasure Island

Vegas Wedding Chapel

Mon Bel Ami

The Chapel at the Artisan Hotel

The Chapel at Tuscany Suites

Little Chapel of the Flowers

And any other suggestions we come across.

Our main focus is having something inexpensive and not cheesy that our family and close friends can enjoy.


Check out the weddings they have in the gardens behind the Flamingo. Very pretty venue, They have pictures on their web site

of the different areas available. Not tacky at all.

We got married at TheChapel at Mandalay Bay and it was beautiful! i got the basic pkg, crystal waters. Go to Mandalay Bay wedding chapels on the review section of here and i put up pics. don%26#39;t know if they are there yet, if not... go here


wedding pics are on the second page, i think

(laughs) The most stress I had on our wedding day was losing fifty bucks at roulette right before the limo came to pick us up!

I%26#39;ve seen a wedding performed at the garden pool at The venetian. Beautiful setting. The couple were hotel guests - did not arrange through The V. Just showed up with a priest, asked the guests at the pool if we wouldn%26#39;t mind being quiet for a few minutes and they were married under a gazebo a few minutes before sunset. done in 10 minutes. Dinner at Bouchon. We sent them champagne and desert. Before any v staff knew what was happening the ceremony was over.

The book NEON NUPTIALS has all you%26#39;ll ever need on weddings in LV. available at

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