Friday, April 20, 2012

Hard question about Vegas Cabs

When you buy a $20 meal, the server is taxed on their wage (less than minimum wage). The IRS also assumes that they recieved a tip equal to 8% of their sales; $20 x 8% = $1.60 so, for this example, the server is also taxed on an additional $1.60 of %26#39;wages%26#39; for the tip the IRS assumes they received. Therefor, if you don%26#39;t tip a waitress, it COSTS them money to serve you.

A few years ago, I learned an interesting thing, taxi drivers are different. I assumed that when the meter says $20 and you tip them $4, the cab company gets $20, and they get $4. Not the case. Cab drivers rent the car for the day, and then they keep ALL the money they recieve (i.e. the fare and the tip).

So I%26#39;m leaving the Mirage, the cab driver watches me load one bag and the Mirage %26#39;Door Man%26#39; load the other. I give the door man $1 and get in the cab. Get to airport, fare is $14 and he watches me take my bags out of the trunk. Not a big deal, but I%26#39;m not tipping him just for being alive, he should act like he%26#39;s trying to be helpful. I can%26#39;t be a complete jerk, so after he plays the I-don%26#39;t-think-I-have-change game, I reluctantly give him $2 tip in spite of his %26#39;lack of service%26#39;. He doesn%26#39;t say ';thanks';, he just looks at me like I just robbed him. I was shocked so I say ';Sir you don%26#39;t look very pleased with your tip.'; He claimed that he doesn%26#39;t get any of the fare, only the tip. I didn%26#39;t believe him, but I realize it could be different in Vegas? I was tempted to ask for it back since he was so unhapy with a 14% tip, but I just left feeling like he was trying to pull one on me.

Was he? Does anyone happen to know if Vegas cabs are rented for the day by the driver like they are elsewhere?

Hard question about Vegas Cabs

I am no cab expert, but I though cabbies owned their cars in some cities?

Hard question about Vegas Cabs

I dont know the answer to your question, but alot of times here in Seattle when I see the meter getting close to what I had thought Id pay plus tip (lets say ususally the ride is $15 after tip) When the meter gets to about $10 I tell the driver Ive got $15 so turn off the meter if you want a bigger tip, they always do, so Im under the impresion that they do get everythig paid out above what the meter reads.

Ok, this doesn%26#39;t answer your question directly, but it%26#39;s interesting noneltheless:

I%26#39;d call the cab company and ask them. Jot down his name and license, which should be posted quite prominently, just in case you want to let them know about his attitude.

we got the same treatment from cabbies and room service people at the bellagio. even giving 20 percent, you get the look like ';that%26#39;s all?'; and my dh got really fed up with that. luckily one day that we ordered room service, dh tipped 20 percent and the person was like ';oh, thank you so much for the gratuity! is there anything else i can do for you?';... that was nice to hear... i understand your frustration...

why is this a hard Q? Easy to find out the info you want - ask the driver OR call the cab company. You can find out virtually anything you want simply by asking - this is one of those things. I have known some LV taxi drivers - the vehicles belong to the cab company, not the driver - at least for those I knew. They did not rent the cab as much as paid the company a % of fares - most companies average the fares, dismiss drivers who don%26#39;t meet averages/quotas.

This is a perfect example of asking the expert on the subject. The driver or cab company - not here.

I haven%26#39;t heard that they own the cabs and I don%26#39;t think they do. I DO know they get a percentage of the fare. Their portion is not enough to live on so tips are essential - which means the guy should have gotten out and helped you with the bags!

I want to be there to hear the conversation complaining about the drivers ';attitude'; lol...I%26#39;m sure they%26#39;ll get right on that!

Unless you speak Tigrinya or Arabic, it%26#39;ll be hard to decipher.

The driver was asked and gave what appears to the OP a less than honest answer.

I thought you could ask any Vegas question you want on the Vegas forum. If you think the question is inappropriate you have 3 choices.

1) IGNORE it and move one

2) report it

3) act like an A$$ as you throw in your answer.

With all the other odd questions that are asked this poster had a question about a Las Vegas service and asked, no need for a lecture.

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