Sunday, April 15, 2012

Something that stood out in my last trip...

On our trip last week I noticed that the Bellagio didn%26#39;t seem as smoky as some other casinos. When my dh and I had dinner at Sensi with a friend on Sunday, he was craving a cigarette and I asked the host where he could go for one before dinner, she said ';you can only smoke in the casino';

I did begin to notice, after she said that, that there are hardly any ashtrays around the hotel and only in the casino. I am/was a smoker; this trip to vegas was my last hoorah with cigarettes because we are going to try and start a family. Anyway, after this trip, we were talking and we are wanting to go back before we have a baby, which means I would be pregnant. I searched the forums for things to do/experiences of those who were pregnant while in Vegas and found a lot of people saying that it might be really smoky. Well, I just wanted to add my 2 cents that I noticed it considerably LESS smoky than ever before! Which will be refreshing when we decide to go back.

I can definitely tell there could be a gradual shift toward a ';non-smoking'; vegas.

Ok, that%26#39;s all... hoped I helped someone...

Something that stood out in my last trip...

ill agree with you-got back yesterday having spent 8 days there and im quite a heavy smoker. i kept getting caught out by all of a sudden being in a no smoking area, that didnt used to be. seems to be the world we live in now.



Something that stood out in my last trip...

The companies that have supplied the new ';garbage only'; receptacles that have replaced the old ';garbage and ash tray combinations'; all over the malls and non casino public areas of hotels have done very well out of the new laws..... :-)

I really noticed it too when I was there in July. I quit smoking in May and was a bit worried about ';surviving'; my Vegas trip but in the Strip casinos it didn%26#39;t bother me at all. Didn%26#39;t get Downtown however - I%26#39;m sure it%26#39;s still not so great there if you don%26#39;t like the smoke.

Bellagio is no different from any other casino in Las vegas. You can smoke in the casino and the bars, and smoking rooms, but not in the restaurants and shops.

I noticed it was considerably less smoky when I was there a couple of week ago, then a year prior to that. I think things are going that way all over the USA %26amp; Canada, not just Las Vegas. People are realizing the affects of it and less people seem to be smoking.

stratton, yeah, i figured that, i guess i just realized it more on this trip... compared the my first trip to vegas when i went with an ex bf and he smoked like a chimney, i remember he could smoke anywhere...

Is smoking allowed inside the clubs? I noticed that many of them have an outdoor deck of some type, but was wondering if the enclosed/inside areas are smoke-free.



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